The conference Solidarity in the Migration Society, organized by the research project Transforming Solidarities. Practices and Infrastructures in the Migration Society, addresses the necessity and conditions of solidarity from October 9-11, 2023. It takes a closer look at its practical and infrastructural negotiations, potentials, and obstacles to its realization. Two keynotes and five panels serve as an invitation to discuss the entangled crises of the present in terms of scalable alternatives: In what ways do collective practices of solidarity and common good-oriented forms of living together strengthen democracy from below? What modes of translation exist between theories and practices of social change? And how are localized practices of solidarity, the dynamics of overall society, and the global interconnections of logistics and human mobility interrelated?
The conference will be held in German and English. There will be a translation for both languages.
Registration not required.
Link to Transforming Solidarities
Exhibition 06.10.2023 – 21.01.2024
Spaces of Solidarity
Exhibition – 06.10.2023 – 21.01.2024 in DAZ — German Architecture Center
Adress: Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6 2. Hof, Eingang H1, 10179 Berlin-Mitte
Opening: 05.10.2023 19h
Living together in solidarity is more urgent than ever in the context of growing social inequality. With the exhibition Spaces of Solidarity, the research group Transforming Solidarities gathers Berlin-based projects from the fields of housing, work and health that show how a future based on solidarity and the common good is possible. The meeting place and central showcase of the exhibition is the Kiosk of Solidarity that gathered initiatives and neighborhoods in Berlin’s urban spaces during the summer of 2023 as an urban intervention. In the exhibition it sets a stage for their ideas and demands with a great spatial effect. Scale and scope as well as structural conflicts and potentials of these solidary practices are further explored in mappings and videos. What opportunities, obstacles and conflicts arise for solidarity in a migration society? How can new methods of working together strengthen democracy, especially bottom-up approaches? The exhibition is accompanied by a three-day international conference.
Exhibition and conference are formats of the research project Transforming Solidarities in cooperation with selected Berlin initiatives. Curator of the collectively developed exhibition is Moritz Ahlert.
Initiatives involved in the exhibition: Berlin Arrival Support, Bilgisaray, Gesundheitskollektiv Neukölln, Gorillas Workers Collective, Kumi*13, Nachbarschaftsinitiative Habersaathstraße, RuT Wohnen, Stadt von Unten, TransVer _ Ressourcennetzwerk zur interkulturellen Öffnung
- Graphic Design by Bureau Est (Leipzig/Paris)
- Photo essays by Monika Keiler (Berlin)
- Illustrations by Arthur Bonifay (Paris)
- Exhibition architecture by ConstructLab
- The mappings are based on several courses designed as research teaching by Moritz Ahlert and Anna Steigemann at the Habitat Unit, Institute of Architecture, TU Berlin.