From 25-27 May 2018 the international conference “Emancipation” took place in Berlin. It was organized by Humboldt University Berlin, Center for Humanities & Social Change at HU Berlin, Technical University Berlin and medico international e.V. Leading international scientiests and intellectuals discussed practices and theories of emancipation in three plenary sessions and twelve colloquia.
Emancipation points beyond all particular interests. It salvages a claim to universal liberation from domination, a claim to freedom, equality and mutual recognition. The notion of emancipation thus forms a nodal point of debates in both social philosophy and in politics. The conference combined these debates so that they could enlighten each other, as well as the social contexts within which struggles for emancipation unfold.
Speakers were: Seyla Benhabib, Wendy Brown, Didier Eribon, Nancy Fraser, Sally Haslanger, Christoph Menke, Charles W. Mills, Chantal Mouffe, Milo Rau, Hartmut Rosa, Gesine Schwan and many others.
You can find a documenation of the material which were produced during the conference here!
The conference took place at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (25 May) and Technical University Berlin (26/27 May).
Conception: Rahel Jaeggi (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin/Center for Humanities & Social Change Berlin), Kristina Lepold (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main), Thomas Seibert (medico international e.V.)
Responsibility: Sabine Hark (Technische Universität Berlin), Rahel Jaeggi, Kristina Lepold, Thomas Seibert
Organization HU/TU Berlin: Carolin Botos, Hildegard Hantel, Sabine Hark,
Rahel Jaeggi, Kristina Lepold, Jakob Mirwald, Lea Prix, Bastian Ronge
Organization medico international e.V.: Marek Arlt, Marcus Balzereit, Timo Dorsch, Anke Prochnau, Andrea Schuldt, Thomas Seibert
Sponsored by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Center for Humanities & Social Change Berlin, medico international e.V., Humboldt-Universitäts-Gesellschaft (HUG) and Suhrkamp Verlag