Kritische Theorie in Berlin ist eine Plattform des Centres for Social Critique an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und der Lehrstühle für Sozialphilosophie an der Freien und der Humboldt-Universität. An diesen Projekten ist KTB maßgeblich beteiligt.
Centre for Social Critique at the Humboldt University
The Humanities and Social Change Center at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin bridges the gap between academic research and the broader public. The Center’s work is characterized by a dual focus on the structural dynamics of crisis and social change as well as on social movements and civil society agents.
Transforming Solidarities
»Transforming Solidarities. Praktiken und Infrastrukturen in der Migrationsgesellschaft« is an interdisciplinary consortium of scholars who are conceptualizing and approaching Berlin as a ›laboratory‹ of migration society – that is, a society that is fundamentally and irrevocably transformed by migration. Through case studies that examine the interconnected areas of labor, housing and health we explore how solidarity is negotiated and investigate practices and infrastructures that condition or limit solidarity.